Quick Audit

The "Quick Audit" section offers a rapid, yet thorough, security audit of the scanned contract. It highlights potential security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and other critical factors that need attention. This tool is crucial for users requiring immediate and actionable security insights that help in making informed decisions about contract safety.

The Quick Audit section provides a rapid evaluation of the contract, focusing on key security and reliability aspects. At the top, there's a bar that aggregates the results, showing scores for criteria that came back as good, warning, or risky. These checks are conducted only if the contract is verified. Here are the aspects we check:

  • Not a Honeypot: Ensures the contract is not designed to trap users' funds.

  • Not a Proxy Contract: Checks if the contract is a proxy, which could allow for changes to the contract logic.

  • Cannot Blacklist: Verifies that the contract cannot blacklist addresses.

  • Cannot Pause Trading: Ensures the contract does not have the ability to pause trading.

  • Ownership Renounced: Confirms that ownership of the contract has been renounced.

  • Not Mintable: Checks if the contract cannot mint new tokens.

  • No Hidden Owner: Ensures there are no hidden owners in the contract.

  • Can Whitelist: Verifies if the contract has the ability to whitelist addresses.

  • Tax Changeable: Checks whether the contract can change transaction taxes.

If the contract is not verified, we cannot perform these checks. However, we can still determine if the ownership of the contract has been renounced. This limitation ensures users are aware of the reduced scope of the audit in cases where the contract verification is not available, providing clarity and setting realistic expectations for the security assessment.

Last updated