Liquidity & Marketcap Insights

The Liquidity and Marketcap sections offer a comprehensive overview of the liquidity status and market cap of the token. This information allows users to see the token's stability and potential for growth, aiding in making informed investment decisions.

The Liquidity section provides :

  • Initial and Current Liquidity: Displays the token's starting and current liquidity.

  • Liquidity Status: Indicates whether the liquidity is locked, burned, or unlocked.

  • Locked Liquidity Details: This feature shows where the liquidity is locked and the unlock time if applicable. It specifically tracks liquidity locks with Unicrypt, TeamFinance, and PinkLock. If the liquidity is not locked with these services, it will indicate that the liquidity is unlocked, which might not be accurate as the liquidity could be locked elsewhere.

When liquidity is unlocked, it means that the token's liquidity pool is not secured, allowing the token's creator or others to potentially remove liquidity at any time. This status can indicate higher risk.

When liquidity is burned, it signifies that the liquidity tokens have been sent to a burn address, effectively removing them from circulation permanently. This action can provide more security and stability for the token, as it ensures that the liquidity cannot be withdrawn.

The market cap section provides :

  • Initial Marketcap: The marketcap at the token's launch.

  • Current Marketcap: The current marketcap.

  • ATH Marketcap: The all-time high marketcap.

Last updated