
Token and Contract Analytics

  • Token Information: Provides essential data on token details, including supply details, and the ATH gain.

  • Contract and Deployer Holdings: shows the holdings managed by the contract and the deployer, increasing transparency and trust.

Taxes and Market Insights

  • Tax Details and Collection: Displays the buy/sell tax rates and the total taxes collected by the team in dollars.

  • Maximum Transaction Limits: Displays the initial and current maximum buy limits to users.

  • Liquidity Analytics and Marketcap Insights: Delivers insights into liquidity pool and market capitalization.

Security and Compliance

  • Full Contract Audits: Thoroughly checks smart contracts to find any vulnerabilities.

  • Deployer Transactions: Tracks and records all transactions initiated by the contract deployer.

Top Holders Insights

  • Analyzes and displays information about major token holders, offering insights into holder distribution and potential market influence.

Interactive AI Chat

  • GUARIT AI Chat: Allows users to interact with GUARIT AI to ask questions and receive detailed explanations about tokens and contracts, providing accurate and actionable information.

Last updated