Error Messages

While using the GUARIT Scan, you might come across errors that can interrupt your activities. This section is designed to assist you in rapidly identifying and correcting these issues, guaranteeing a streamlined and effective experience with the GUARIT Scan. You will find thorough explanations and resolutions for each error here, aimed at reducing disruptions and enhancing your efficiency.

invalid ERC20 Address Error

  • Error Message: "Invalid ERC20 contract address."

  • Explanation: This error occurs when a user attempts to scan an address that does not correspond to an ERC20 token. Ensure that the address entered is an ERC20 token contract address.

Token Not Found Error

  • Error Message: "Token not found."

  • Explanation: This error is displayed when the scanned address is a valid ERC20 address but does not point to a recognized token contract. This can happen if the address belongs to a wallet or another type of contract that is not an ERC20 token.

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